Unity, Love, Patience, and Strength in All Relationships

During a time of seeking God while focusing on prayer and fasting He will speak to us. For some of us God may show us what love is and what it is not. For others God will show us how to love, and for all of us God will tell us that we simply need to continue to seek His face and build our relationship with Him.

Matthew 6:8 says that “God knows what we need before we ask Him.” That being said we are exercising our faith, trust, and belief in God when we take our worries and cares to Him. And again, we are building our relationship with Him through consistent communication with Him.

Psalm 55:22 reads “cast your burdens upon the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He sall never permit the righteous to be moved.” While we are rightfully bringing our burdens to the Lord, and casting our cares on Him during this time there is an exchange that is taking place. In many of our situations the focus ultimately cannot be on how and when someone else will change, or how and when our situation may actually change. But God will lead us to understand that our ultimate goal is to seek Him. And we have to keep in mind that during this exchange we are taking our hands off the steering wheel of our situations with individuals and trusting in God to move on our behalf. We have to believe that God is big enough, great enough, and powerful enough to get in, and change our situations for our good. Matthew 19:26 says “with men things may be impossible, but with God all things are possible.” We can sometimes give man credit for the things that are happening in our life that we do not like. We have to get our focus off of individuals who have no power to bless us or curse us, and focus on the one who has the power.

Psalm 34:17 says “when the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” Because within Him are all the answers to everything that we need as well as the resolve for the things that we are brining to Him especially during a time of prayer and fasting. We may not always like the answers, but they will ultimately bless us, cause us to be victorious, and be what is best for us.

These are the questions that we may be asking ourselves regarding love and relationships: What is the resolve if people do not change? What is the resolve if my situation with this individual does not change? God has an answer for any question that we have and its typically one of four things'; He will tell you to stand still or He will give you instructions on what to do, or what to say or not say (all depending on the situation and the circumstances and what He wants to do).

Most importantly the only way that we can discover the true love of God in all relationships is to know Gods ourselves. That within itself can bring us to the answers that we need. And one of the things that is very important for us to remember is that God will be speaking to US about our love walk with Him, which in turn will effect our love walk with others; therefore ultimately the focus is not on others but our love relationship with God that can bring a change one way or the other regarding our relationship with others.

1 John 4:18 says “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has torment, and he that fears has not been made perfect in love.”

Whose love is this scripture talking about?? God’s love.

Sometimes we can get stuck because we are seeking the love of others whether it be a co-worker, spouse, boyfriend, family member or other. If you read 1 John 4:18 a person may come to mind. We may think “yea that is why I feel fearful, hurt and burdened down; its because that person or this person is not loving me.” But if you look at this scripture for what it really is saying it’s saying that it’s God’s love that has not been perfected in us regarding this situation. In other words we have not received God’s love in this situation yet. If we allow God’s love to get into our hearts and remove the fear and frustration that we are feeling with regards to a relationship He can and will take over. And it is actually at that point that we can freely, without fear extend God’s love to others whether we think they deserve it or not. We also have to remember that we can’t expect others to love us if the love of God has not been perfected in them. But this will not be to our demise because you have now allowed God’s love to be perfected in you which brings about joy, and peace and ultimately guidance and answers regarding this relationship.

Stop waiting on Love. Love is waiting on you. Whose love? God’s love.


Trust For Our Life


“Are You Resting?”