Out With the Old and In With the New
As we begin our journey into this “new year” one of the key words in this phrase that often becomes cliche or overlooked is “new”. How many people really are expecting the new year to bring anything new. Or is it just simply a day like any other holiday to kick back and have some fun on that one day. Unfortunately for some who have lived long enough the coming of the new year become less and less relevant each year.
However, each season can be an opportunity for change and growth. But in order for growth and healing to take place, just like plants and flowers, there is pruning that will need to take place. The cutting back (or pruning) of branches and stems that are overgrown increase the fruitfulness and growth of that plant.
Neglecting to prune your plants can lead to weak or dead limbs, which can have detrimental effects on their health. These branches are more prone to breakage, especially during severe weather conditions like strong winds or storms. As a result, it can cause further damage to your plants.
Without allowing God to remove the dead, overgrown areas of our lives we will only get weaker and weaker. Dead and overgrown areas in our lives can come by way of trauma, painful experiences such as loss of loved ones, divorce, broken relationships, financial hardships and more. If the affects of these experiences are not given over to the Lord they can cause our hearts be hardened, and our spirits to be broken resulting in dead and overgrown issues such as bitterness, sadness, lack of self confidence, feelings of defeat and more. And when the storms of life come, which they will, we cannot stand a chance, and we will not be fruitful.
For all of us there is something that is not of God that daily tries to latch itself to us. This can come from issues at work, disagreements with others, misunderstandings, disgruntled cashier at the store, major challenges, etc. This is why we need God to prune us daily. Pruning is an ongoing lifetime event that takes place in our lives until we are no longer here. And that being said we should be growing and getting better each day.
God desires that we be fruitful in this life. But in order to be fruitful we have to remain in Him. As we remain in Him He prunes us by removing the dead things from our lives so that we can continue to flourish.
You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. (John 15:3-4 NLT)
If we remove ourselves from God’s love, which is his word, we will not be able to grow and heal, let alone survive the storms of life. Allowing yourself to be led by the Lord in all things can cause you to be fruitful (bear fruit) and be strong in life. Reading, studying, and meditating on his word allows that word to work in you removing the overgrown and dead areas. God’s word has the power to heal you and remove what should not be there.
Galatians 5:22 23 The fruit of the spirit are the evidence—the outward display—of the Holy Spirit’s work within a Christian. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness and self-control. The fruits of the Spirit demonstrate the character of a life submitted to God.
What is the opposite of the fruits of the spirit? If we find ourselves lacking patience, lacking joy, or peace. If we find ourselves being more agitated than being kind. If we find ourselves not being faithful or lacking self control then that is a sign that we need God to come in our hearts and prune us.
The enemy never sleeps. He is always scheming and working to see how he can come in and destroy our lives. As we allow more an more time to go by without giving our concerns, challenges and issues over to God the enemy doesn’t even have to work on distracting us or bothering us any longer because we become totally engrossed and blinded by our situations and challenges.
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
If we do not allow God to prune us through the storms of life can dull our hearing and it becomes difficult to hear His voice. (Hebrews 5:11) We hear more negative words in our hearts and minds than what God is saying. The enemies words become louder and louder drowning out the voice of God.
Matthew 13: 18 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
This is exactly why we have to allow God in and seek His face like never before so that our hearts can be softened to hear His word so that we can be healed and delivered. The issues of this life are no match for God but it’s according to the power that works in us. (Ephesians 3:20)