Setting Boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries can often be essential for our well being. While the type of relationships with others can vary, depending on where people are emotionally can often breed unhealthy relationships. While we may not be able to total cut off from connecting with certain people in our lives such as our parents, siblings or long time friends, setting healthy boundaries may be necessary. It does not mean that we stop loving, it simply means we love from a particular emotional distance as well as a physical distance.
Set boundaries and pray for others as you continue keep your health and well being in tact. Praying for others can do wonders for the individual ultimately if they are open for change especially. And it can set you free from the bondages that can come from unhealty ties. Stay true to your health and well being and be a blessing to others at the same time.
Colossians 3:14 Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.